Dear Carol

"Dear Carol, My friend's getting C's. How can I help?"

Dear Carol,
I know a girl who is getting C’s in all her classes even though she is trying her best. My other friends and I always get A’s. Whenever we ask each other about our grades, this girl gets upset. I think I can help her, but I don’t know how to confront her. After all, I wouldn’t want to say, “I can tutor you,” or something obvious like that, would I?
–Student Who Cares

Dear Student Who Cares,
Since your group isn’t discreet about discussing grades, it might be fine to say, “Hey, I’d love to go over the chapter with you before the next quiz. Want to meet up after school?” Why not privately ask your friends not to broadcast their great grades in front of her. And you can try to help her feel good about what she does excel at (“You have a great singing voice,” “That was an amazing catch”). Finally, since she isn’t hiding her feelings, you could say, “I know you’re bummed. Maybe you could see the teacher for extra help, or perhaps he can find you a tutor.”

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by Carol Weston | 1/14/2018