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Your *exclusive* look at Legends of the Hidden Temple!

An epic ancient temple? Non-stop sibling bonding? Totally amazing adventures? Check, check and check—but not in *quite* the way that you'd expect...
Based on the TV game show from the '90s, the upcoming Nickelodeon TV movie event Legends of the Hidden Temple stars Isabela Moner (Sadie), Colin Critchley (Noah) and Jet Jurgensmeyer (Dudley). In the flick, Sadie is left in charge of her bros—and they find themselves *way* off the beaten path, trapped inside a not-so-ordinary temple at the Hidden Temple park.
The sibs quickly realize that "not-so-ordinary" is not even close to the right word to describe the ancient grounds. In order to escape and survive, they must overcome extreme obstacles (hello, quicksand!) that test their bond, bravery and smarts. Along the way, the trio runs into characters from the original show—Olmec the stern stone guardian, the temple guards and the show’s iconic team animals, including the purple parrots, silver snakes and red jaguars. These creatures might sound cool and fun, but they're not what you want to encounter in close quarters like Sadie, Noah and Dudley do. (Well, maybe if you're Dudley, who can actually talk to animals. It's one heck of a party trick!)
Sadie is less than thrilled to be looking after her bros at the park, let alone on an intense temple adventure. "My character, Sadie—she's the one who's always put in charge, but she does not like that one bit," Isabela spilled to GL. "The thing that she repeats constantly in the movie is, 'Why do I always have to be in charge?! Why do I have to take care of you guys?' But she learns throughout the movie how much she cares about her brothers, and that it's not that bad to be the one in charge."
Want to see the sibs on their intense action adventure? Check out the trailer below for an exciting peek at the upcoming movie:
Then peep this exclusive clip of the flick. Here, Sadie, Noah and Dudley try to familarize themselves with the temple halls when they find themselves just a *little* stuck...
See? We told ya there'd be an epic ancient temple, hilarious sib bonding and endless adventures. For all that and much more, Nickelodeon's Legends of the Hidden Temple premieres Saturday, Nov. 26, at 8 p.m. (ET/PT). This is one *legendary* event you do not want to miss!
Following our #LegendsofIsabela series on Facebook and Instagram? Find the answers to the challenges below!
Trivia challenge 1:
Q: What do we call the written language Mayans carved on temple walls?
A: Hieroglyphs.
Trivia challenge 2:
Q: Many Mayan ruins feature a ball court with a stone ring. Why did the Mayans play these games?
A: To honor the gods.
Trivia challenge 3:
Q: What caused the collapse of Mayan culture?
A: Trick question! It's still a mystery.
Trivia challenge 4:
Q: What are two of the most common materials used in Mayan jewelry?
A: Jade and gold.
Photo credit: Nickelodeon