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Women's March on Washington participants share #WhyWeMarch

Depending on your political views, today was either vastly inspiring or it was one big question mark.
Today at the Women's March on Washington, activists, public figures and more addressed the eager participants who were decked out in pink and holding powerful signs to stand up for what they believe in: equal rights. There were performances, speeches and much more before the attendees marched through the city.
Why is this event such a big deal? Marchers turned out in the *hundreds* of thousands. The Washington Post has reported that the amount of participants at the event today in Washington D.C. hit about half a million, meaning it's estimated to have surpassed (and possibly doubled) the amount of attendees at President Trump's Inauguration yesterday morning.

But they didn't just show up in D.C.—there were also marches in Los Angeles, New York City, St. Louis, Charlotte, Boston, Baltimore, Park City and so many more. Not only that, citizens in London, Paris and even Nairobi organized and marched to show their support for those here in the states.
Clearly these were heavily attended events, but there are two sides to every story. There are many that don't understand the point of marches and protests, and believe that these events are futile. But just by showing up, these marchers made their voices heard and let everyone know what kind of America they want to live in.
Though everyone was making their voices heard for a common goal, each and every participant had their reasons for being there, which some shared by using #WhyWeMarch and #WhyIMarch on Twitter. Here are a few posts that we think everyone—no matter you beliefs or party affiliation—will find touching:
These girls marched to make their voices heard.

This counselor marched to create a better future for her students

These girls marched because kindness matters.

This girl marched to prove that girls are capable of anything.

This girl marched because different is good.

This mom virtually marched for her daughter and her future.

At the end of the day, one thing holds true: girls rule.
What do you think of the Women's Marches that happened today? Did you attend a March today? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Photo credit: The Washington Post, Twitter