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This 'Strong Is the New Pretty' photo series is ridiculously cool


“Whatever you are...that’s OK.” 

That's the message Atlanta based photographer, Kate Parker hoped to portray when she began to take pictures of her energetic, strong girls Alice, 6, Ella, 9 and some of their friends several years ago. Her project accurately titled “Strong Is The New Pretty,” is all about celebrating young girls’ unique strength, power and confidence––something we can totally get behind! 

In her blog, she describes her girls as silly, athletic and fierce amongst many other things and says that she wanted this photo series to “show their boldness, their strength and the beauty in them, as they are.”

We’re very excited about Parker’s project and are glad it’s receiving so much attention. We applaud her efforts to encourage girls everywhere to celebrate who they *really* are, whether they’re playing ball, climbing trees or even taking silly pictures.  

Wanna see Parker's pics? Check 'em out HERE.

What do you think of this photo project? Let us know in the comments below.

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by Dhara Patel | 2/1/2016