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How two teens took their classroom skills to the next level and saved a life


After learning CPR in their freshman year health class, two teens from Everett, Washington had their skills put to the test—this time outside of the classroom. When Hailey Enick and Jasmine Daniels saw an unconscious man who needed help, they sprang into action instead of waiting for the adults to save the day.

What might be most impressive is how recently the girls learned CPR. “We had just done CPR lessons at Everett High School three weeks ago,” Tim Key, chief of EMS for Everett Fire Department told ABC News. Not only did the girls act fast, but they were also using skills they’d only just learned. Talk about brave. 

“His friend was slapping him and putting water on him. Everyone was yelling, ‘call 911!’ His eyes were in the back of his head and he wasn’t breathing,” Jasmine shared in a news interview, while Hailey described what it felt like to jump in. “I was nervous! I never thought I’d actually have to use what we learned.”

It’s a good thing they did, though, because according to EMTs who were called to the scene, the girls’ quick thinking (and chest compressions) saved the man’s life. Though Hailey and Jasmine might’ve just been acting on instinct, having the courage to put their skills to use (and on a stranger, no less) makes these two teens total heroes.

Have you ever done anything heroic? Tell us in the comments below.

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by Alexa Matthews & Chelsea Duff | 2/1/2016