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This epic FB thread helped cheer up a girl with a celeb name


Ever feel like you're living in someone else’s shadow? Well, you're not alone. A girl who shares a name with one of the most powerful woman in entertainment totally gets it.

Her name? Beyoncé. Turns out, she doesn’t quite enjoy the amount of attention that her famous namesake gets.

Humans of New York posted Beyoncé's pic on Facebook, and it soon went super viral. Under the photo, Beyoncé (not the singer) explains how sharing the same name with such a famous person can *really* get on her nerves. 

When the teacher started calling attendance, I got really nervous, because every time people learn my name is Beyoncé, somebody starts singing 'Single Ladies," she explained.

That's when the comments started coming in by the hundreds, with other people who share a name with celebs telling Beyoncé that they feel her pain (Think: Mary Kate Olsen, Katy Perry, Victoria Beckham and more). The whole thing was super funny, but it was also really heartwarming—just goes to show that you're never as alone as you think you are.

So what do you think? Would you want a celeb name after hearing this story? Do you know anyone with a famous name? Share in the comments below!

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by Cliff Lytle | 2/1/2016