
How to wear your aquamarine birthstone this March

Helloooo, Pisces and Aries szn! We're calling all our March b-day girlies—bc it's time to bring out all the aquamarine birthstone jewelry and accessories. Whether you plan on rocking your birthstone or are simply obsessed with this teal hue, 'tis the season for all things aquamarine. (And yes, we'll count the 2006 movie classic, too.)


Made by Mary March Birthstone Hoop Earrings, $54

A simple pair of aquamarine earrings adds a shimmery touch to any outfit. These huggie earrings are the perfect accessory for a subtle yet stunning addition to your springtime fits. (You can also opt to layer aquamarine earrings up your ear if you have multiple piercings!)


brook&york Mackenzie Birthstone Initial Pendant, $98

This initial and aquamarine charm necklace is a chic, personalized piece of jewelry for any outfit. Whether you're a gold or silver girlie, DW: There's an option for either metal! (Did we mention that this makes the sweetest birthday gift for your March baby bestie?)


Moon Magic Raw Crystal Ring—Flow Aquamarine, $135

Still obsessed with everything crystal? An aquamarine stone ring is the perfect ode to your self-care era. (Did we mention that this stone protects against negative vibes and has a super soothing effect on your mind?) 

Pro tip: If you want to get even more creative, you can DIY your own rings using wire and aquamarine gems.


Free People Santa Maria Maxi Dress, $128

It's time to break out your dresses and skirts for warm weather szn. And a statement piece in this springy hue? It should be tops on your Pinterest fashion mood board, tbh. 



We've all seen clean girl makeup and strawberry makeup—now let us introduce you to mermaid makeup. Whether it's a hint of blue to your waterline or a full-glam aquamarine look, this beauty vibe has us ready to dive in.

HBD, March babies!

Tag us in your aquamarine looks on IG for a chance to get featured @girlslifemag!

Top and slider image: @morganhartttt


by Sophie LaBella | 3/18/2024