Which trendy nail color should *you* wear this fall?

Every girl goes through that awkward phase where summer is turning to fall, yet your nails are still hot pink and TBH, it's more beach than bonfire. Here are the best colors to rock on your nails for the fall season.

Light Gray
No one ever really wants to go from light summer colors directly to the darker, cooler colors of the fall. So why not start with a cool gray? Gray complements every skin tone and is a great indicator that winter is coming.

A deep burgundy is the perfect hue for #sweaterweather. Pair it with a pumpkin spice latte and stacks of midi rings for fab fall fingers.

Warm Brown
Football, bonfires, s'mores, Halloween candy...all fall things and *all* brown. Keep the tree-toned trend going on your tips.

Orange or Black
It *is* Halloween, after all. You don't have to go bright pumpkin (a burnt orange look will work) and if black is too bold, try a super dark brown. Regardless, you'll be ready for fright night rocking these shades.

Classic Red
You can never go wrong with a fiery hue. It mimics the changing leaves and gets you in the holiday spirit a little early. Win-win.
Which color are you planning to wear this season? Tell us below!
POSTED IN halloween, christmas, fall fun, STYLE, Beauty, real girl style, fall, tips, nails, Polished Picks, fall