Exclusive: watch Jake + Logan Paul team up on Bizaardvark!

As if Disney Channel's Bizaardvark wasn't LOL-worthy enough, things hit an entirely new level of funny in tonight's episode when Jake Paul (Dirk) welcomed a very special guest star to the show: his bro, Logan Paul! Logan portrays—who else?—Dirk's bro, Kirk.
In the ep, Kirk was totally *not* happy when he found out that Paige tamed Dirk's wild side, convincing him to stop taking on such risky dares for his Dare Me Bro Vuuugle channel. Check this hilar clip below of the bros in action together and Logan's signature splits...
How excited were you to see these Vine bros team up for a Bizaardvark episode?!
POSTED IN Disney, Bizaardvark