Dear Carol

"Dear Carol, how do I flirt with boys?"

Dear Carol,
Is there a way to flirt with a guy without giggling or touching his arm or being too obvious or annoying? A few girls can pull it off, but others seem like they're trying too hard.
-Just Not Flirty

Dear Just Not Flirty,
There are subtle ways to show the new boy at camp or at the pool that you've noticed him. You can use his name ("Matt, I wanted to tell you....") or ask a question ("How cold is the water?") or look into his eyes and give him a compliment (on his shirt or swimming skills or volleyball serve). The point is not to win over every boy, but to simply send a signal to an individual guy that you'd be happy to know him better. You can do that and still maintain your dignity.

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by Dear Carol | 11/4/2018