Dear Carol
"Dear Carol, Is my mom ever proud of me?"

Dear Carol,
My mom has never encouraged me or said she is proud of me. Last year, we had a fight and I moved in with my dad. The other day she caught me wearing eyeliner and called me a slut and a disappointment. How do I keep a good relationship with my mother without all this drama? I love her, but it’s hard.
—Major Mom Mess
Dear Major Mom Mess,
If your mother isn’t happy, it may be hard for her to be generous with encouragement. This is a shame for her and for you.
Try to accept that she has her own flaws and frustrations, and try to stop expecting what she seems unable to give. Her attitude may reflect her own sadness and disappointment, which has nothing to do with you. In the meantime, is someone giving you the praise, kudos and support you deserve—your dad maybe, or a favorite teacher? I hope that your mom comes around.
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POSTED IN dear carol solves family probs, how to talk to parents, advice from Carol Weston, LIFE, Dear Carol