Teen talks to celebs with Camera By Her Side

Have you ever dreamed about meeting and chatting with your fave celebs? Well this music-loving teen is making that dream a reality. Seventeen-year-old Jessica Norton started her own YouTube Show, Camera By Her Side, to document her concert experiences and interview singers and bands. Since the show started, she’s gotten to talk with Mitchel Musso, Kicking Daisies, Julianne Hough and Monique Coleman (pictured with Jessica above), not to mention an appearance on stage with the JoBros (more on that later).
GL caught up with Jessica to talk about her show, music-makin’ celebrities and being a goal getter.
Girls’ Life: How did Camera By Her Side get started?
Girls’ Life: How did Camera By Her Side get started?
Jessica Norton: Every time I went to a concert, I would take a ton of video. I started putting together video logs of each show I went to and posted them on YouTube, so that people who couldn’t attend the concert could see what it was like. I always thought it would be cool to go backstage and interview bands, so I started emailing local bands in my area to see if I could start setting up interviews to feature on my YouTube page.
GL: How do your friends and family help with the show?
GL: How do your friends and family help with the show?
Jessica: My friends and family are a huge help. My mom and dad help me record interviews, purchase equipment and provide transportation to any concerts or events I have to go to. If my parents can’t help, my friends come along with me to shows and handle the camera while I conduct the interviews. My friends always make it fun. They all have the same music taste as me, so they enjoy coming to meet the artists I interview.
GL: What’s been your coolest celebrity experience so far?
GL: What’s been your coolest celebrity experience so far?
Jessica: Last summer, the Jonas Brothers brought me on stage to dance with them and the cast members of Camp Rock 2 during “Heart & Soul” in front of 16,000 people! It was insane! The Jonas Brothers have been my favorite band for years, so getting the opportunity to go on stage with them was a dream.
GL: Who would be your dream interview?
GL: Who would be your dream interview?
Jessica: Taylor Swift. I’m not sure if I would even be able to ask her anything, I would be so star-struck! She’s one of my favorite artists. And Lady Gaga. I think an interview with her would be pretty interesting.
GL: How has school helped with your success?
GL: How has school helped with your success?
Jessica: I write for my school’s newspaper, create and edit videos in Audio Video Technology class and study the news in journalism. All of these classes provide me with experience and knowledge for the field I want work in.
GL: What are your goals for the future?
GL: What are your goals for the future?
Jessica: I plan on going to college and majoring in journalism and communications. I’d love to continue doing interviews and working in the entertainment industry. My dream is to someday work for companies like Rolling Stone or MTV. Maybe someday Camera By Her Side will have it’s own TV show or segment… that’d be cool!
GL: What advice do you have for girls for pursuing their passions?
GL: What advice do you have for girls for pursuing their passions?
Jessica: Just go for it! Don’t let anything stand in your way and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. And most importantly, have fun!
GL: One last Q… who’s on the top of your playlist right now?
GL: One last Q… who’s on the top of your playlist right now?
Jessica: Justin Bieber! He is so great live and his movie was adorable!
Watch Jessica’s interview with Kicking Daisies, below, and head over to her YouTube channel to catch more fab videos.
POSTED IN Celebs, Goal Getter, Dream Job