Your Bod

I'm only 11 and I have acne

I have acne on my face, but all of the acne medicine is designed for kids who are at least 13 and I'm only 11. How do I find an acne medicine that works and is OK for my age?

Hey girl, it can def bite to have acne (believe me, I’m in college and I still get it sometimes). When it comes to treating it, it’s important that you use the right and gentle products on your skin or it’ll get worse; your skin will get totally dry. But stay confident. While you may not be able to completely get rid of your acne (no one knows a magic treatment or else we’d all be using it), you can def get it under control.

The 411 on skin

First thing’s first: Make sure you’re keeping your skin clean. Dirty, oily skin is a breeding ground for acne and it’s way important to keep that in check. The good thing? You don’t need 13-and-up acne products to do that.

When I first went to a dermatologist for my skin, she recommended I use a gentle cleanser morning and night. She suggested Cetaphil as well as a moisturizer (she recommended the brands Aveeno or Purpose for me; but in general, avoid that fancy, scented stuff as it tends to clog pores and thus lead to more pimples) to use after to make sure my skin stayed moist.
Try adding these to your skin routine morning and night and see what happens. These are two skin care basics not worth skipping out on and which, in combination, may go a long way in solving your problem.

Acne medicine

While it’s true some medications are meant for older teens, it’s important you talk to your doctor or a dermatologist about what the best step is; they may be willing to make an exception. Do not, however, start using acne treatment without consulting them, because it could do far more damage than good. They might also know a medication that you can use even at your age; let them recommend it before you buy something for yourself.
Your doctor or dermatologist might even help you build a custom acne-fighting strategy just for your skin. Talk to your parents and seek the help of a professional if your skin hasn’t improved after you start cleansing and moisturizing regularly.

Don’t lose hope

Acne is a part of most teens’ lives. While it’s definitely no fun to have, don’t let it bring you down or stop you from enjoying what’s out there. Stay positive, keep your skin clean and talk to a professional if you need to. I guarantee if you take those steps, you’ll be fine in no time. Smile and don’t stress (the latter can contribute big time to acne); you’re going to be OK.

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by Alyssa Bailey | 2/1/2016