Your Bod

I Have Purple Lines on My Leg

On my right thigh, there is a weird spot about the size of a quarter. It looks like a spider web on my leg, but it’s purple-ish-blue-ish. It looks like there are a bunch of veins inside my body all bunched in the one spot.
It doesn't hurt, so I have never really cared, but now I'm starting to notice more purple-ish lines appearing across my leg.
It sounds like you’ve got some varicose veins or, more likely, spider veins. They’re similar and both common in the legs. Varicose veins are larger and raised swollen blood vessels, while spider veins are smaller red, purple and blue vessels. They twist around and are visible through your skin.
Both varicose and spider veins often develop as women age, but some factors that can cause 'em are: heredity, years of mostly sitting or mostly standing (so you’re probably not old enough for that to have affected you yet), hormones during puberty or birth control pills. Are you noticing them more during your period? Cause that could be the cause.

If they don’t hurt, it’s nothing to worry about. When you've grown out of puberty, you may grow out of this phase, too. But next time you get a checkup, you could point them out to your doctor just to be safe.

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by Lindsey Silken | 2/1/2016