
A Cheery (But Totally Tough) Workout

You don’t have to shake pom-poms to take a cue from the spirit squad.
We chatted up author and former pro cheerleader Lindsay Brin about the best moves for toning up all over. Perform each move for a minute and do the whole circuit twice.

Start standing with heels together, toes turned out. Tuck your butt under, and keep your abs tight with your shoulders relaxed. Bend your knees and immediately straighten your right leg. Bend your left leg and place your left foot near your right knee. Perform 1 minute on each side.


Sit on the floor. Place palms directly under your shoulders with feet on the floor. Raise your butt off the ground (you’ll be in a table-like position). Bend your elbows to lower down until your butt almost touches the ground. Straighten back up to start.

Use chalk or a piece of string to make a line 5 feet long on the ground. Start in a push-up position, with your nose, waist and feet over the line and your hands wider than your shoulders. Bend elbows and lower to the ground. Push yourself up. Walk hands to one side of the line. Repeat push-up, then walk hands to starting position. Alternate sides.

Start on your back with your knees bent and heels close to your butt. Keep knees hip-width apart and arms by your side, with hands on the floor. Squeeze your knees together and lift your butt off the mat. Slowly return back to start. Lower knees to the sides, keeping the edges of your feet on the ground. Slowly return to start and repeat from the beginning.

Start in a push-up position. Bend one knee up to your stomach. Clench your abs and keep the rest of your body tight. Slowly return your foot back to start. Switch.

Start in a push-up position. Quickly bring both knees into your chest. Jump back out to your starting position. Do as many as you can, as fast as you can, keeping your heart rate up.

By: Katie Abbondanza


4/16/2010 7:00:00 AM