Eat Right

In the News: Drop those energy drinks!

Before you chug another Monster, read this. According to WebMD, the amount of caffeine in some energy drinks can be unsafe, causing toxicity in some kids. 

The makers of energy drinks don’t tell you is that their drink can contain up to 5 times the amount of caffeine that a soda has. Um, soo not a healthy alternative to anything.

But why do these drinks affect kids more than anyone else? Most adults are accustomed to a regular dose of caffeine by drinking a coffee each morning. Kids and teens however, are not used to the amount of caffeine in an energy drink, and therefore have much stronger reactions to the substance. Because caffeine is a drug, it has addictive qualities, which adolescents
and children are much more susceptible to. Consuming these beverages in large quantities, you risk harm to your bod such as liver damage, kidney failure, and high blood pressure.

While you may not realize it, your body is becoming dependent on seemingly harmless energy drinks if you’re consuming them regularly. Yeah, they definitely do their job by giving you a kick of energy, but in the long run they’re nothing but trouble. Next time you crave that fruity energy boost, kick the caffeine and go for a sugary fruit or full-of-protein sandwich.


by Clare Wise | 2/1/2016