Survey Says

SURVEY SAYS! A Quiz for Anyone

1. Name? Miranda

2. Favorite holiday? Christmas

3. Favorite color? Green

4. Dream job? Musician

5. Most pain u have ever been in? Now, I think my thumb is broken lol

6. Happiest moment? My first time singing in front of an audience

7. Best friend’s best quality? Ooh, I think it’s her loyalty

8. Your weirdness rating out of 10? This is easy. 10.

9. Favorite book? Tie between Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn

10. Favorite band? Paramore!!!!!!

GOT YOUR OWN SURVEY? Send it to Jiae at, with the words Survey Says in the subject line, and you could have your survey featured on the Fun Stuff blog! How cool is that?  
10/2/2008 7:01:00 AM