Survey Says

SURVEY SAYS! A Quiz for Anyone

Crush Quiz

1) Would you die for ur crush? Sure.

2) What's ur crush's name? Avery

3) What is it u like about him? He is funny, smart, sorta hot, he likes me, do I need to continue?

4) Have u ever hated him? B4 u met him. What can I say? I judge a book by its cover.

5) Has he ever done something you hate? Yes! He cut that adorable hair off his in a bowl cut!

6) Have u ever done something stupid, but later found out ur crush saw the whole thing? Oh yea.

7) If yes to #6, then what? I got bored during AIMS, and broke my pencil lead. I was flicking it around. I got that 'feeling' I was being watched. Sure enough, he saw the whole thing, and still won't let me live it down!

8) Is he your BGF? Yes.

9) If ur crush jumped off a bridge, would u do the same? U kidding? I'd b at da bottom tryin to catch him!
10) What do u have in common? Everything

GOT YOUR OWN SURVEY? Send it to Jiae at, with the words Survey Says in the subject line, and you could have your survey featured on the Fun Stuff blog! How cool is that?   
9/29/2008 7:01:00 AM