
The sentimental girl's guide to cleaning your room

It's time to give you room the refresh it deserves. But wait, we've all been there: Saying goodbye to your pre-school projects and junior league soccer trophies is easier said than done. And, ofc, there's no shame in being sentimental. Everyone's emotionally attached to at least *one* object at some point in their life,  but sometimes, being attached to too many items can turn your room from a cozy space to a storage center.

The good news? Just because you're sentimental doesn't mean you can't clean your room (and we promise—you won't have to throw everything out).

Use large envelopes or folders 

If you're the type of person who holds onto everything from birthday cards to ticket stubs, your desk might be in serious need of a detox. The solution? Opt for large envelopes or folders. Label each one so that you can remember what's inside and file away neatly into a drawer. Voila! Instant organization. 

Re-gift or relocate 

One way to clear clutter without saying goodbye to the more meaningful things in your room is to re-gift or relocate. Whether you give the sweater that your grandma knitted (but you've just never worn) to your little sis or you move the vase that's collecting dust to the kitchen, you'll get to let go of the things that you don't use while still knowing that they're not gone forever.

Invest in containers or file cabinets

Whether you have stacks of old assignments or you're still holding onto that invite from your bestie's brunch that happened last year, you may feel overwhelmed by random papers you're too scared to throw away. But have no fear—we've got a solution to this sitch! Consider purchasing a large container or file cabinet to organize and store these keepsakes. This way, you can clear clutter *without* getting rid of what's important to you.

Save things digitally 

For those random items that aren't serving you a purpose anymore (think: the souvenir t-shirt from your summer trip years ago that's three sizes too small), saying goodbye can be hard. One way to make parting with sentimental items a little easier? Snapping pics of them. That way, you'll truly have them forever.

Repurpose or recycle

One sustainable *and* creative way to get organized? Put your crafting skills to work by turning the old things in your room into something that you'll actually use. Stacks of old magazines or photos that are collecting dust? Turn them into a scrapbook. Old shirts? Use the fabric to sew scrunchies! With a little creativity, the possibilities are truly endless.

For more cleaning inspo, check out these related posts: 
🧹 10 songs to keep spring cleaning going 
🧹 The simple guide to cleaning your room (and keeping it tidy) 
🧹 The stages of cleaning your room, as told by GIFs 

How do you get organized? Let us know on Twitter @girlslifemag

All GIFs via GIPHY


by Eva Mandelbaum | 5/30/2022