5 delish recipes to use up your leftover Halloween candy

We love Halloween candy (who doesn't?), but snacking on Starbursts and candy corn all month doesn't leave you feeling so great. Even chocolate can get old when you're eating it *every* day. But what are you going to do with that bowl full of candy sitting on the counter? To use up those leftovers, we've rounded up some quick recipes that'll turn your old Halloween sweets into fresh, fun treats.

Snickers Hot Fudge
This fudge is the perfect nutty topping for any sundae, and all you need is a microwave. Check out the super simple recipe here.

Halloween Candy Snack Mix
Snack mixes are great for on-the-go, and they double as a perfect party treat. Learn how to turn your old Halloween candy into this deliciousness here.

Candy Corn and Pretzel Bark
Chocolate bark is so good because it incorporates chocolate and candy, making the best crunchy/creamy combo. Use up the last of that candy corn for a savory-sweet treat here.

Frozen Peanut Butter Cup Banana Pops
Satisfy your sweet tooth *and* get yourself a serving of fruit with this fun frozen find. Check out the recipe here.

Peanut Butter Candy Corn Blondies
Sweet and salty buttery blondies are a must-have dessert, and you can substitute your favorite candy for the candy corn. Get the recipe for these irresistable peanut-butter bars here.
How do you use up extra Halloween Candy? Share your tips in the comments!