
Crushing on a cutie from a different school

I really like my neighbor, but he goes to a different high school than I do. Is it better that I just crush on guys that go to my school, or is it OK to like my neighbor even though he goes to a different school?

His answer: According to Matt, 16, “It’s OK to like your neighbor even though he goes to a different school. However, if you continue to crush on guys at your school, it will mess with your relationship with your neighbor. And who knows, maybe it’s good that you don’t see your neighbor every day at school so that you are able to focus on academics and keep your social life out of school.”

Decoded: You need to make a decision between your school crushes and your neighbor because it’s best to figure out your feelings before getting involved with anyone. Just like how girls hate to be led on, guys feel the same way. So be honest with yourself and your crush and see how things turn on.

Your move: Take Matt’s advice and don’t be afraid to date someone just because they go to a different school. Let your feelings take over and just have fun. It’s not like your committing yourself to anyone just yet.


by Kara Gelber | 2/1/2016