Cheater...or crusher?

This boy always sits next to me in class but I think he might only sit by me because he wants to cheat off my paper. He tried to copy my science project and I almost let him, but I couldn't live with the guilt, even if we didn't get caught.

I think I might really like him, and he acts a little like he likes me. How do I tell if he likes me for me or just for my grades?

Hey babe, this sounds like a tricky sitch to be in. You like this guy and you don't want to jump to any conclusions. But on the other hand, cheating is a big deal and you don't want to get caught in the middle of something serious.

Test him out

Try to grab a seat that's far away from him and ask your pals to sit around you before he gets into class. If that doesn't work and you still find him sitting next to you while you're working on something, put some distance between this dude and your paper. You don't have to make it obvious and noticeable, but lean over to the other side or sit sideways so he can't see what you're writing.

If it's clear that he's annoyed that you're doing this or worse, if he asks you to turn over so he can see your paper, then it's obvious that this guy is a cheater and SO not for you. If you do notice him copying during an assignment,wait until after class to approach the teacher about it in private. This way you can tell on him without making it too dramatic.

A li'l bit interested...

But if the guy doesn't try to look at your paper, he's probably just sitting close 'cause he has a crush on you. Try talking to him outside of the classroom to see what happens. Talk to your friends about it, too, they'll be able to offer up some advice based on what they see happening between you guys.

-Katie S.

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1/14/2010 7:00:00 AM