Dealing With a Diva

I have a “friend.” Well, she thinks I’m her friend, but I’m not. Let’s just call her Destiny. Destiny is a snob and brags about how smart she is. She has some classes the grade ahead. She has a group of popular, rich kids she hangs out with too. I can’t STAND them, especially her. Everyone treats her like royalty.

Everything we talk about has to do with HER. And she’s trying to sneak into my best friend (we’ll call her Ella) and my friendship. She’s always whispering, gossiping, and giggling with Ella. And Ella’s TOTALLY annoyed by Destiny. And when I do anything slightly annoying, Destiny lightly hits me on the arm and says, “Knock it off!” with a smirk. She really shouldn’t be hitting me.

I CAN’T STAND HER ANYMORE! She’s been in my class since 2nd grade! How can I tell her she’s not the queen of the world, gossiping is annoying, she’s a snob, she’s not the smartest one, Ella and I are BFFs and she can’t butt into our friendship, AND hitting is mean? I need you guys. :(


Hey Bunny,

Wowza, well, she does sound like quite a handful. Hmph, what can we do? Well let's start off with the easy fixes...

BFF: You and Ella are BFF and nothing, not even Destiny, can change that. So no matter how many times she butts into your friendship, you and Ella should be confident in your relationship not to care. She can try all she may, but if your friendship is solid, why worry about her?

Hitting: Next time she rears her arm back and gives you a little smack, let her know it's not cool to lay your hands on someone else. Tell her you know she doesn't mean any harm by it, but you don't appreciate being physically abused. Let her know you've got ears and can hear perfectly well so there's really no need for the hitting.

Gossiping: Gossiping only works when there is more than one person involved. So when she comes to you and Ella to dish about the latest this that and the other, show her that you’re not willing to reciprocate. If you don't partake or show interest in what she has to say, she'll move on to someone that does. And unfortunately, there will always be someone that does.

Diva-ness: I admit this can be really annoying. But understand that Destiny is probably having some insecurity issues and that's probably why she feels the need to constantly pump herself up. Although it would be mighty fulfilling to pop her bubble and bring her down to reality, why would you want to go through all that drama? I say just ignore her ways. Don't worry, even without you letting her know, she'll soon find out that the world does not revolve around her. Let's all hope that this revelation comes soon.


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10/7/2009 7:00:00 AM