Week 7: Set Micro Goals!

A New Season and a New, Healthier YOU!
Want to be healthier this season? Join the club. Literally! Tons of GL readers will be following our fab fitness plan. Our week-by-week shape-up will get you the results you want. You’re gonna make your fitness goals a reality. Promise!
Kick off your year feeling fab!
Get a running start! Our Healthy You program delivers a blast of feel-good vibes, boost-ya-up breakfasts and enough motivation to make the next two months amazing. Truth is, taking time to exercise will actually help your grades, melt stress away and lead to better zzz's when you hit the pillow. What better time to start? See (and feel!) results--now!
Week 7: Set Micro Goals!
EATS Here's the truth: No one is ever going to be a perfect eater--and nor should they! Aiming for tons of veggies, lean meats and whole grains is great, but don't stress if you nab a slice of cake or pizza.
EXERCISE It's great to have big fitness dreams ("Next year: A triathlon!"). But daily, workout-specific goals make it harder to bail (I'll bike for a half hour, do 10 push-ups and then 15 minutes of yoga").


9/27/2009 7:00:00 AM