Not-so-secret crushes

Every time I get a new crush, someone always tells them. And I hate it because I see this coming so I don't tell anyone, but somehow somebody finds out and blurts it out.

It's like they can read my mind or something. Please help!

Hey girlie, it sounds like you have more people watching your every move than Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears. Unfortunately, people just can’t get enough gossip! Sometimes when you tell just ONE person a secret, it may end up spreading to EVERYONE.

Knowing how fast word travels, I would limit whom you tell your secrets to. If you are positive that someone is a great confidant, like your BFF, tell them so you don’t have to feel like you’re keeping all your feelings bottled up inside. And hey, if word ends up spreading, you’ll know who the snitch was, so you can head straight to the source.

And fact that you’re not saying ANYTHING, yet people still know who you’re crushin’ on is so bizarre. I cannot understand how word would spread if you’re keeping your mouth shut. Clearly people are a little too concerned with your private life. Since people aren’t mind readers, try to see whether you’re giving off obvious signals. Maybe some heavy flirtations or some extra long gazing in his direction? Either way, if you wanna keep your crushes a secret, be careful!

I know that its no fun feelin’ like you can’t say or do anything without the entire world finding out your business! But hang in there girlie and don’t let the gossip bring you down! And really, if your crushes do know that you like them? Just flash them your confident smile and act totally carefree about it. They’ll be way impressed by how cool you are.

-Jackie E.

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7/22/2009 7:00:00 AM