DEAR CAROL: I Made Out With Our Mutual Crush...

Dear Carol,
My friend and I like the same guy, and I made out with him at a party. My friend found out and said she wanted to punch my face in. Now she says it’s OK, but she doesn’t call me like she used to and, when I call her, she says she’s busy. What should I do? I’ve apologized, but I can’t take back what I did.
Dear Sorry,
I can see why your friend feels hurt, can’t you? On the other hand, you didn’t steal her boyfriend—you kissed her crush, who was also your crush. No real crime in that. In fact, it’s possible she might have done the same thing if given the opportunity. E-mail or leave her a message that says, “My New Year’s wish is to have our friendship back the way it was,” or, “Let’s not lose our friendship over a guy.” Maybe she just needs time for her wounded pride to heal. And if you and the guy become a couple? Nix the public makeout scenes.
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3/14/2009 7:00:00 AM