We Tried It: Portion control

My family knows me as having a bottomless pit for a stomach. If I wanted to, I could snack for literally hours on end. My body doesn't say, "Hey girl, no more!" until I get to the point where I've eaten so much I feel sick.

I know it's not healthy, but a lot of times, I just never know when to stop. Since my body doesn't tell me when way too much is - well, way too much, I've recently decided to take charge and do something about it!

Now when I eat, I pay attention to how much I'm putting into my body. For example, if I go out to eat and I order a huge burger, I'll cut the burger in half when I get it, and take it home with me. This way, I know I am eating to the point where I am full, but not so full that I feel sick. An awesome added bonus? I have a great lunch for the next day!

It's been about a month since I've started doing this, and I definitely see a difference. I don't feel terribly stuffed after I eat anymore, because I know that I've eaten the right amount for my body. Instead of feeling sick, I feel totally satisfied and fulfilled after every meal, which a great feeling. By eating my fave foods in moderation, I was able to take control of my body and get into a healthier eating cycle.

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by Katelyn Lester | 2/1/2016