Dealing with looking different

I feel so out of place! I'm the only girl in the sixth grade who is in shape and has decently size boobs. All of my friends are flat-chested or overweight and have huge boobs. My body is making me stick out. Is that a problem?

Everybody develops differently, so you shouldn’t be worried that your friends aren’t exactly the same size as you. Focus less on boob size and more on personality. Size isn’t everything, and there’s way more to us than just our (fabulous) looks! Our bodies are constantly changing, so stressing about them now isn’t going to do anything except maybe give you a headache. Instead, learn to love the body you have and also give your friends some reassurance that they should love their bods, too.

Going through the changes brought on by puberty is hard for everyone, so don’t think for a second that you’re the only one who feels awkward. Your buds are probably finding their own bods difficult to accept right off the bat, too. To set everyone at ease, focus on the important things, like the totally crazy adventures you’re all going to have this summer, instead of on comparing body parts.

THINK YOU'VE GOT A BODY BLUNDER? CLICK HERE to submit your own problem to be answered on Girl Talk!


by Casey Lieberman | 2/1/2016