Get the most outta your workouts!

Lotsa times girls complain that, eek!, exercising takes ages and they're too busy. Not anymore. Here are some tips for squashing the amount of time you waste on workouts.

Go right away. Sounds simple, right? Think again. Take a sec to ponder how many minutes you waste if you, say, contemplate whether or not you feel like running or changing your outfit 15 times or redoing your hair or flopping on the couch in your gear. Once you make up your mind to exercise, change into your clothes and get out the door.

Perform moves back-to-back. Don't spend tonsa time resting between, say, crunches and push-ups. Instead, keep your pace moving and avoid endless water breaks. You'll up the sweat factor big-time and cut out needless minutes.

Remember that something is better than nothing. Some days you're gonna be zonked beyond words or have endless homework or just, ugh, not feel like exercising. In these moments, it's most important to test your discipline and get to jumping rope or swimming or riding your bike around the block. You change gears and you'll change your mindset! A few minutes moving is better than pushing it off until you have hours and hours to devote to exercise.


5/2/2010 12:32:00 PM