DIY Destroyed Jeans

My fave pair of jeans just wore through and have a hole in them.

I don’t want to throw them out, but they didn’t exactly rip in a cute way. 

How can I make sure they stay part of my wardrobe?

Patch Things Up

A patch is a perfect way to cover up a hole or two and make your style even more unique. Hit up your local craft store and buy some cute fabric remnants (hint: tiny florals look prettyl). Then, get out the old needle and thread and use the fabric to “collage” over the rip. Check out Urban Outfitters' blog for easy how-tos.

Pants, Meet Scissors

Shorts weather is right around the corner, so it’s time to gived those rippies new life. Find a pair of shorts, Bermudas or capris you love and measure the inseam (the part from the crotch to the hem). Use a piece of chalk to mark where you want your new pants to hit. Once you have them marked in the front and back, cut off the legs about two inches below the mark. Try ‘em on and cuff ‘em or trim them to the perf length.

Jeans in Distress

Ok, so the hole on your jeans kinda sticks out like a sore thumb. Try distressing them even more to make the whole pair look well-worn  Use sandpaper for a worn look around pockets, zippers, knees and hems. It sounds crazy, but try running a cheese grater over the legs to make frayed tears in certain places. Remember: Don’t use scissors to make any clean cuts because they’ll look too perfect to have happened by accident.

Know When to Say Goodbye

If you’ve had your jeans for years and this hole is one of many others, it may be time to say au revoir. Check around to see if any organizations in your area are looking for jeans to recycle—in some places Habitat for Humanity has been using old denim to insulate houses. How very cool, um, warm.

-Lauren Carney


3/2/2010 10:14:00 AM