Upset About My Mom's Breakup

My mom and her boyfriend have been together for over a year, and they recently broke up. The three of us always had fun together.

When my mom told me, I said I was fine with it, but I’m really not. I went to my room and cried, thinking of all the great times.

It’s weird because I could always talk to my mom about stuff but, at that moment, I couldn’t.

Dear Gone Soft,

If you’ve always talked to your mom, don’t stop now. No doubt, she’s also sad so share your sorrow. Rather than only looking for comfort for yourself, give her a hug. You’re both going through a tough time, so talk about it. Don’t say, “How could you two break up? He was so nice!”

Do say, “I’m sad he won’t be around anymore because he was my friend, too. Of course, it must be even harder for you.” She might welcome such a conversation and, even if not, you’ll feel better for having expressed yourself.

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2/26/2010 7:00:00 AM