Your Bod

I can’t sleep at night!

If you’re having trouble falling asleep, most likely, you aren’t getting enough down time before hitting the sheets. Many teens expect to zoom through homework, IMs and MTV, then zonk right out at bedtime. That’s not how falling into a peaceful slumber works. Before beddie-bye, settle down by having a light snack, listening to mellow music or reading a book. Dr. Judith Owens, author of Take Charge of Your Child’s Sleep, explains that a nightly routine triggers your bod and brain that it’s time to get some zzz’s. Avoid watching the tube—that keeps you wired. If you can’t fall asleep within a half hour of crawling under the covers, get out of bed—you don’t want to associate lying in bed with being awake. Get up and read a boring book (give War and Peace a shot), and hop back into the sack when you feel pooped. Sweet dreams.

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8/1/2008 11:52:00 PM