Your Bod

Can I get rid of acne without wasting my money?

 How can I get rid of my acne on my forehead without wasting a lot of money?


Well, babe, you might have to decide what’s more important to you: a clear complexion or a stack of cash. There are a lot of over-the-counter acne treatments and cleansers that don’t cost a lot of money and last for a while. A visit to a dermatologist would probably be helpful since she could tell you which products would benefit your skin the most.


If you really want to avoid spending the dough, there are a couple of things you can change in your everyday life to cut down on forehead breakouts.


Hands off! Your hands carry oils, and when you touch your face, those oils transfer to your skin…along with bacteria and germs. Avoid touching your face unless you’ve just washed your hands to cut down on this transfer.


Got bangs? Consider growing out your bangs and pulling them away from your face. This can be especially important if your hair becomes oily quickly after you wash it. The oil clinging to your locks can transfer to your face and lead to breakouts. Bummer, right?


Get scrubbing. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser once or twice a day. A toner can also help you remove the oil on your forehead. Use a moisturizer, too, but make sure it’s one designed for oily skin. Still got an oil slick during the day? Try using oil-absorbing sheets when necessary.


Change your pillowcase. In the olden days, women used to sleep on silk or satin pillowcases to keep their complexions clear. It’s not an old wive’s tale: The smooth fabric lets your skin breathe and slide across the pillow without pulling oil and bacteria with it. If you can’t replace your pillowcase, try washing it once a week.


Evaluate your diet. Greasy foods can lead to greasy complexions, so ditch the junk food, babe, and start eating more healthfully. Instead of potato chips, grab lightly buttered popcorn or some veggies. Yum!

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by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016