Your Bod

5 ways to calm super-sensitive skin

My skin is super sensitive! I’ve tried a bunch of skincare products and they all cause redness and breakouts. Do you have any suggestions?


Try a gentle cleanser

There are some cleansers with all-natural formulations that might work better for your skin. You can also try a cleanser like Cetaphil, which doesn’t contain any soap.


Always test new products

When you’re dealing with super-sensitive skin, you should always test your products on a not-so-visible patch of skin before you let ‘em loose on your face. I recommend testing them on your inner wrist and waiting 24 hours before using them elsewhere.


Avoid irritants

Things that you might not be paying attention to could be inflaming your skin. It’s time to go through your lotions and other beauty products and tossing anything that’s got dye in it as well as fragrances. Take a look at the ingredients label on the bottle. If it’s got a laundry list of chemical ingredients you can’t pronounce, chances are one (or all) of them are messing with your complexion.


Stop using makeup…for now

Covering up redness with makeup can fuel the fire. Your cosmetics could be upping your skin’s irritation. Toss ‘em aside for now and see if you can notice a difference in a few weeks. When you go back to wearing makeup, I recommend trying a mineral-based brand. Start small—maybe just powder, bronzer or a little blush—and see what works best for you.


Visit a dermatologist

When all else fails, visiting a doc might be your best bet. A dermatologist is a skin expert. She’ll be able to tell you which products to use and how best to care for your skin and treat irritation and breakouts.


Good luck, girlie!

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by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016