
This is the secret to making the *perfect* pumpkin pie

There's nothing more essential to Thanksgiving than pumpkin pie. All that creamy, spiced sweetness piled into a deliciously crumbly crust. But actually making that seasonal staple = not so easy. Baking the perfect pie takes some practice (and a lot of patience) so we've rounded up a few of the top tips for conquering the Turkey Day treat below. Slice, slice, baby.

Keep it canned.
Surprising, but true. At least according to Martha Stewart (and we're pretty sure we trust her dessert directions). Substituting fresh pumpkin may seem like the more "gourmet" way to go about it, but it can actually make your pie too watery.

Pre-bake, always.
Soggy crusts are a major no-no but they can be tough to tackle. One tip is to pre-bake your crust until it's golden brown, before putting in your filling. Not only will this extra step help the pie cook evenly, it gives the crust time to set and firm up before you pour in the pumpkin.  

Fix the filling first.
While pre-baking the crust is a must, you should also cook the filling (at least partially) before putting it all together. This can be done on the stovetop while your crust is baking so that the filling thickens up prior to pouring it into the crust. 

Cook it correctly.
You'd think once you have your pie assembled, the hard part is over...but it's not. Perfecting your pumpkin pie all comes down to cooking it at *just* the right temperature for *just* the right time. (Peep these tips from the pros.) How do you know when it's done? When you give the pie a nudge, it should jiggle slightly like jello and the crust edges should be golden brown.

Do you like pumpkin pie? Tell us your pie preferences below! 

Photo credit: Tide and Thyme.

by Amanda Tarlton | 11/15/2017