
My crush is so popular! Do I even have a chance?

I like this guy at my school. Problem is, he's part of the "popular crowd" and we've never really talked, other than Facebook. What should I do? I really like him and he's really nice and sweet and I think he might like me back if we hang out. Help!
Hey girl! Ahhh, love! Don't worry so much about the fact that he is in the "popular crowd" because if he's a nice guy, he shouldn’t care.
Start Talkin'
Instead of just chatting on Facebook, chat in real life. Transfer that online "hey" to a "hey" when you see him. If he responds with an equally enthusiastic answer, he might be worth your time. If he ignores you, then I would get over him right then and there.
Find Common Interests
Is he in any clubs? Take any languages? Maybe you guys share a common interest that you can start a conversation about. The more you talk to him, the more you will find out whether he really is as sweet and nice as you think.
Remember, you can't make somebody like you and it's important to be yourself. Don't try to change yourself to fit in with the popular crowd. Any guy worth your time should like you for you.

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by Liz Lebedda | 2/1/2016