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WATCH: PrettyMuch's "Summer On You" vid will give you 1D feels

PrettyMuch's newest hit single, "Summer On You," is a must-have on your summer playlist. The boys dropped a fire video for the track...that's giving us major One Direction a la "What Make You Beautiful" feels. Anyone else?!

"Summer On You" was penned by the one and only, Ed Sheeran, so it's no surprise that the song has nearly 4 million streams on Spotify alone already. With the catchy lyrics and groovy melody, what's not to love? 

Press play below to watch!

Get more deets about PrettyMuch and "Summer On You" here. 

Let us know what you think about the vid by tweeting us @girlslifemag!


by Emily LoSasso | 7/11/2018