Help! I'm dating my bestie's crush behind her back

My BFF doesn’t know her crush and I are dating. I feel really bad because the last time we crushed on the same guy, she let me go out with him! Am I a bad person?
Dave: Uh, you’re developing a pattern. If nothing else, you get high marks for consistency. Are you sure you truly like these guys, or do you just go for ’em because your friend does (or vice versa)? Do some self-evaluation because you’re on a path that could only lead to trouble. There’s a contingency to the BFF thing regarding repeatedly dating your friend’s crush—it voids the whole deal. Have you heard of the TEE (Total Enemies Eternally) program? You will.

Bill: Did you date him after she started crushing on him? Seems like it, or you wouldn’t be writing! That’s probably a penalty in the field of crushing. Yellow flag, 15 yards. A friendship can’t end on a penalty, though, so you’d better come clean to your BFF.

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by Bill and Dave | 2/1/2016