
Your guide to surviving family vacation

As summer approaches, your mom might begin to discuss plans to travel as a family while school is out. Sometimes being with your family for days in a row without any means of escape can be hard, so below are a few tips to get through these vacays without dumping sand in your little brother’s bed, or better yet, ripping his head off.

It is called vacation, right?! Remember that you went on vacation to get away, so be sure to plan out some time for R&R (rest & relaxation, duh). Whether you’re on the beach, camping in the mountains or walking around a new city, at some point take the time to sit back and unwind.

Be patient.
They’re your familyyou might not always be on the same page, but it's important to get along with them (especially if you’re locked up in the same house for days at a time). If something or someone begins to get under your skin, remember to breathe. It isn’t the end of the world!

Bond with your family.
Odds are that your mom planned this vacay so that you all would spend time together, so don’t run away at the first opportunity you get. This is the perfect time to hang out and catch up with your family considering you skipped out on the family’s Saturday game nights to go to your friend’s house. Put in effort because you will get out of it what you put in.

Your vacay will be *totally* rad. Go into it with a good attitude, remember these quick tips, and you will reap the benefits, we promise.

Where is your family headed this summer? Are you excited or dreading it?! Let us know below in the comments!

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Photo credit: Visit Jacksonville.

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by Ellie Pesetsky | 6/10/2017