
Workout trend to try: Retro running

When we say “retro running,” what comes to mind? Women sprinting in ‘50s-style full skirts? Old school basketball shorts hitting the pavement? Yeah, not so much. Retro running—or running in reverse—is quickly becoming a more common sight at a track near you.

While it might seem silly to book it backwards, doctors and physical therapists say retro running is actually a great alternative to, you know, regular running or other cardio options. According to The New York Times, running backwards requires you to expend more energy—making it a better workout—while taking it easier on your body—no more shin splints (yes!).  

One word of warning? Try it on a smooth surface in an area that won’t have you dodging obstacles, like your school’s track. This is also a great exercise to try with a buddy, so ya don’t run into other people (or, you know, the fence).

Would you give retro running a try? Tell us in the comments!


by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016