


You love your besties (duh!), but they just don't get why you're suddenly training big-time to make the lacrosse team (or are started spendin' major hours at the Y). They're supportive (go you!), but aren't gettin' off their butts to do drills any time soon. We've all heard that exercising with buds is a great way to up your results…so what's a gal to do? Here at G-Life, we've compiled tips that worked for us.

Speak up.
Ya know that super-athletic girl in StuCo? The one you totally get along with, but aren't exactly friends with? That's about to change. When your friends don't wanna get fit, it's time to expand the circle a li'l. That way, you won't feel bad when all your girls are crashing on the couch for an afternoon of movies, but you promised yourself some exercise. It may be tough to break the ice at first, but strike up a convo with this chick by telling her you think it's cool that she just finished a bike race for charity or earned a black belt. Let her know you're lookin' for someone to train with…soon you two may be bikin' together.

Be on the lookout.
Glance around the next time you're exercising outside of the casa. Ya know how you always see the same girl doin' laps at the pool or shootin' hoops at open gym? Enlist her as a workout bud. Sometimes the best exercise partner is someone who has the same schedule as you. Come up with drills or mini races to stay motivated. In a few weeks, you won't wanna ditch your swim sesh, or you'll be letting your girl down.

Call in the tried 'n' trues.
You're super-good about working out during soccer season because, um, coach makes you. Keep your skills fresh this spring by callin' up your teammates and holding off-season pickup games. Don't make it super-serious…but if a girl can show up on, say, Wednesday night, she shows up. Or, ask your super-fit BGF if he wants company on his notorious Sunday 4-miler. Who cares if you two run at different paces?

Try something totally diff.
You'd love to take a ballet class with your BFF, but the girl was practically a prima ballerina before she quit. Instead of ditching the idea of doin' something together, pick up something you both have no clue about. Sure, she isn't the kinda chick who'd be caught dead in a uniform, but you know she can't stay still when a beat drops. Promise each other that you'll check out a hip-hop class or will dedicate Thursday nights to trying every fitness DVD you can get your mitts on.

Sign up for something.
Ok, so your girls aren't gonna budge on their "I soo don't exercise" mantra? Time to move on (well, for the whole working out thing...). Sign up for that awesome tai chi class…by yourself. If ya need a li'l extra kick to get goin', there's nothin' like putting green on the line to ensure your butt's out the door. Plus, you'll already have something in common with everyone in the class, so take a sec to strike up a convo with someone. What were you saying about wishing your friends worked out? Some of 'em do!

Blog It Out... What are your tips for exercising with a friend? Do you ever feel that working out with someone else isn't helpful?

2/22/2008 12:00:19 PM