
The do's and don'ts of ditching a summer fling


Summer lovin’ isn’t always meant to last forever. When school starts back up, it's easy to realize that maybe your relationship that was heating up all summer is fizzling out. Sometimes it’s best to just go your separate ways and fly solo. Check out 5 of our surefire tricks for breaking it off with your summer boo.

Don’t beat around the bush.

Skip the lame excuses and just be honest about your feelings. No one wants to hear the classic breakup lines you found on Yahoo answers. Tell him up front, don't lead him on with lies or cheap reasons why you can't be together. He’ll respect you so much more if you just keep it real.

Do keep it peaceful.

Raise the white flag and ask to be buds—but be sure that he knows you’re standing in the friend zone. Set rules beforehand so that boundaries won’t be crossed later down the line. No one likes a drama queen.

Don’t bail via text.

Even the saddest of emoji faces can't beat a real convo. You owe it to him to talk it out in person. Plus, face to face means there’s little room for miscommunication.


Do avoid dumping him in public.

Although a chat over lunch may sound like the way to go, opt for a private space like your backyard or living room. This reduces the embarrassment for him and the awkwardness for you.

Don’t rush into a new relationship after you call it quits.

Take a break from boys and kick it with your gal pals! It’s important to find time to enjoy yourself this summer—after all, who needs boys when you have besties, right?

Got any break up rules of your own? Leave your tips in the comments below.


by Laurise McMillian | 2/1/2016