
Read this if you're crushin' on an older boy

Your brother's super cute friend from college is always over studying, playing video games and just hanging out. You can't help but notice how cute he looks in that green shirt of his, his cheesy laugh, the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles...all around, he's an adorable dude. 

The point is, he's older and you're totally into him.

Crushin' on someone older than you is totally OK. What's not, though, is dating a 21 year old before your sweet sixteen (or your 18th, for that matter). So if you've caught feelings for someone whose older than you, here are a few things to keep in mind.

There is a such thing as too old for you

You're the first of your gal pals to get asked out—he's a dreamy senior, you're a sophomore and you're over the moon for him. When you're in middle and high school, it's no biggie to date someone a couple years older than you. Taking a much older sweetie to your senior prom, though, is a big no-no. There's a huge difference between two years and ten years, especially when you're under 18.

Realize a crush is just a crush...

Having feelings and acting on them are two *totally* different things. Joining in for a round of Call of Duty is fine, but try not to focus too much of your time crushing on someone you shouldn't date. Have fun scrolling through their Insta and watching their Snapchat story, but keep it casual.

...and that they might not think of you in the same way

If your crush is *more* than a few years older than you, know that, while this person is totally great, your age difference puts you two at different places in your lives. That's not a bad thing, but it's not great for a successful relationship which is something that might be a concern for them.

Our advice: Keep your eyes set on that hottie in math class.

What are your thoughts on dating older people? Let us know in the comments!

by Julia Bonney | 11/9/2016