
EXCLUSIVE! Gabrielle Nevaeh Green has a lot going on at the moment

With new music and the launch of her sustainable clothing line, the 19-year-old actress is pretty much in her personal Red era.

Gabrielle Nevaeh Green is ready to redefine herself. She's busy in the best way, too—thanks to her inner compass that's always guiding her toward the right direction in life. Well, actually make that directions, plural. 

Now Nickelodeon royalty, she rose to fame with starring roles in shows like the All That reboot, Monster High and That Girl Lay Lay. But she's not stopping there: In May, Gabrielle celebrated her 19th birthday with the release of her new Afro-pop single "Take Me There" plus the launch of her clothing brand, The House of GNG. The line balances streetwear and couture with a dedication to sustainability and a mission to give back.

Sounds like a lot? Sure, but it's basically second nature for Gabrielle, who has a long history of setting (and achieving) seemingly impossible goals. And she does it with a ton of talent, passion to spare *and* her signature unstoppable spunk. 

Taking the stage

Gabrielle wasn't exactly born a performer. "I was a really, really shy kid," she admits. "I was super quiet in class. I kind of sat in the back. I didn't want people looking at me."

So when she got up the nerve to audition for a prestigious (and ultra-selective) performing arts middle school, she fully expected rejection. "There were 3,000 kids competing for 300 spots. My parents and I didn't think I'd actually get in," says Gabrielle. Despite the odds, she fully devoted the next six months to preparing for her audition. "And by the grace of God, I got accepted. I can't really explain it. It was just kind of the way that it was supposed to be."

Getting in didn't mean fitting in, though. While most of her new classmates had been performing for years and dreaming of stardom, Gabrielle says she was concerned less about the spotlight and more about the schoolwork. "Math class was my vibe," she shares. "Giving presentations in front of the class was, like, the worst punishment ever—I was the one up there shaking and never looking up from my piece of paper."

But at an arts school, staying *totally* invisible wasn't possible. Gabrielle was required to take a theater class, and it was there that she found her true passion—and herself.

"I learned I could make friends and be seen by my teachers in a different way by making them laugh and by storytelling," she shares. "Discovering acting helped me feel way more comfortable just being me."

Passion for fashion

As her acting career has taken off, that life-changing theater class is never far from Gabrielle's mind. That's why, when developing her clothing line, she was inspired to donate a portion of all proceeds from The House of GNG to fund arts programs in public schools.

"I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't found myself and my love for acting at the middle school," she says. "There are so many kids who won't get the same opportunity because the arts always seem to be among the first programs to get defunded."

As she got ready to create her clothing brand, Gabrielle also focused on another big personal priority (and passion): sustainability. And as usual, Gabrielle isn't taking the easy road—she personally sources pre-loved garments from thrift shops all over Los Angeles and then upcycles them to create each of her unique designs.

"We take baby blankets or discarded denim and combine them, turn them into something new and give them a new life," Gabrielle explains of her creative process. "No two pieces are exactly alike—so even if you and your friend both order the same jacket, each of yours will be one of a kind."

Queen G

Gabrielle's mix-it-up approach to designing for The House of GNG is also echoed in her approach to her music.

"I don't just have one singular genre," she shares. She's taking inspiration from one of her musical idols, Beyoncé. "She's known for her pop and R&B singles, but then she did a country album," Gabrielle enthuses. "She doesn't have to stick to one thing."

No matter how many paths she tries or which direction she takes, everything Gabrielle does comes back to the same purpose: to do her part to spread all the positive energy she can.

"For me, it's really important to continue to be a role model," Gabrielle says of the next steps in her journey. "Whatever my new avenues are, I just want to be sure to leave a positive impact on the world."

Hey, girl! Just wanted to let you know that this story originally ran in our June/July 2024 issue. Want more? Read the print mag for free *today* when you click HERE.


by Kayleigh Roberts | 5/15/2024